Lots of piccies to show and tell - here goes....
Hard rubbish pick - up; scored a really lovely wardrobe which matches our bedroom side tables, yay, I love it when things just go together and this will be handy for more storage. Of what you may ask? Why, of fabric of course!!!! My very clever husband took one of the doors home which was off and lying on the nature strip, until I could come home and help him shift the whole thing, (only 3 houses down the road!), so that a missing doored wardrobe would be not very attractive to those with cars and trailers, searching the streets for unwanted goodies. Clever boy!
I had actually seen it on my walk to the local chemist to get my 10 year old daughter's ears pierced (the age limit was 16 in our house, but a lot of working on by daughter to parents, and the age eventually came down to 10) She was so excited - BUT, one of the ear piercing guns jammed and she had one ear with stud (very pretty!) and one ear pierced but not stud! 45mins of negotiations resulted in a final, whew!, decision by her to get the ear done again and she was one happy chappy! Friends have told me that they heard a child screaming from the street - yes, that was her. Stiff drink was necessary, believe me.
The cutest thing was that she made a lovely card to 'The Chemist Ladies who looked after me' which said:
"Thank you for looking after me and I'm sorry for all of the crying and yelling. I was very happy afterwards." She has never looked back since!
"See my earing, see it, do you?
I love it that my 10 year still wants a bonnetted fairy on her cake! (Cake is missing any icing because I really stuffed up a passionfruit cream cheese icing (it was disgustingly sweet) and so rich, that it was used as sauce; even then, blurk! Cake was really good - rich banana!
One more '10 year old' pressie was her tutu; be-sequinned and beautiful - the tutu wasn't bad either!
Dance concert - both girls are in Jazz and Ballet - pre-show pictures show a little about how pumped they were - they had a ball! Both were truly excellent (and I am not just saying that because I gave birth to them!)
One more 'score'; lovely old chenille bedspread from, once again, my favourite op-shop! It was hiding in a dark corner, just waiting for Bronnie to discover it and bring out into the light, to join the growing collection of scrumdilliuptious chenilles. Remember the storage issue? Right on!!
Edited: Family pictures removed
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