Monday 16 June 2008

Give me more!

Did you notice a new sign on my sidebar 'Quilting Bloggers' - I stumbled upon them - not sure how- but it is the best resource! I could spend hours searching this site.

The home page is Quilting Gallery and a gallery it is:

Find new quilty bloggers in your part of the world and say Hi!

Search publications, videos, podcasts, forums

Find new patterns, tips and tricks, quilt gallery, and artistic inspirations such as:

Quilt Mavens;

Free Projects such as Tea cup quilt, Suitcase Pincushion,

MaryQuilts' string quilt

but my favourites at the moment are the Wickedly Easy Quilt by Byannie

and the Continuing Disappearing 9-Patch - by happy2bstitching - I love the possibilities!

I can see some serious 'puta hours clocking up.


Anonymous said...

Brownyn, thanks for this.......I think..........I have to find some time to do some sewing, not be here on the computer. i am becoming an addict

Louise said...

Ooooooh - that is a lot of information. Thanks for the link!

Anonymous said...

I have to say, that is exactly how I found your blog! What a ridiculously extensive list of quilt blogs! I think I'm going to be up all night looking through each one! Glad you found the link and are participating!